Open Positions

Are you interested in any of these roles?


Music Library

Our music is stored on hard disk, and we keep adding more music all of the time.  We need volunteers who are comfortable with computers (MAC) to add more songs to our system.  We can train you on that process.

    • Add music from hard disk
    • Add music from CD’s
    • Add music from LP’s
    • Categorize songs
    • Update playlists

We are currently in the process of organizing our CD and LP collection.


Online Archive of shows

We need volunteers who are comfortable with computers to upload shows that have aired to our online Broadcast Archive.  We can train you on that process.


Membership Coordinator

    • Keep track of WWER “members“.
    • Come up with incentive plans like discounts at local businesses for members.
    • Come up with promotions to increase our membership.
    • Design WWER merchandise, such as stickers, T-Shirts, etc.

News & Sports reporters

    • Gather information about town news – events, new businesses opening, changes in local laws or taxes, changes in town services, etc.
    • Attend and report on important events – Tory Smith park opening, town parades, etc.  Interview attendees and report on the event.  Collect sound bites where possible.
    • Report on decisions of the Town Council and Westmoreland County.  Get interviews where possible.
    • Anyone with a smart phone and reasonable technical savvy can be taught how to do this!

Volunteer Coordinator

    • Coordinate volunteers and send them where they are needed.

Show hosts

We have several existing shows that we need help with. If any of these are of interest, please get in touch. Here are some of our existing shows needing more help.

    • “Porch Talk” – Our popular interview show where you chat with a neighbor and talk about how they cam to Colonial Beach, their life, and fun stories that friends tell on the front porch!
    • “Talk of the Town” – A travel and tourism show about things to do in Colonial Beach and the Northern Neck.  Monthly, it would spotlight a particular event or location.  25 minutes.
    • “Town Matters”  – This monthly 25 minute show is facilitated by a WWER on air personality interacting with members of town leadership including the Town Manager, Mayor and others as and when appropriate.
    • Provide details about town-related issues to the citizens — directly from town leadership –by asking questions about the topics of keen interest to the residents.
    • Enable town leadership another channel by which to communicate with the citizens.
    • Strike the right balance between promoting town and addressing citizen questions and concerns head-on.

New show ideas welcome!

    • We welcome new show ideas for talk or music shows.  All of our shows go through a piloting process where you submit a sample show.  If you have an idea for a show, email info at

Sound Editors/Production:

    • We need people who can edit raw audio material (shows, promos, and other announcements) into finished, ready to air sound files.  We use a free program called Audacity and you can learn how to use it.


    • Coming up with ways to get more listeners, donors and volunteers.  You’ve probably seen the small lawn signs scattered around town.  While this was a great success,  we’d love to get something bigger (think small billboard)  out of 205 as you come into town for visitors to spot and tune in!  Fundraising events, social events, T-Shirts and more.    Folks interested in organizing and helping with these are needed.

Technical help:

    • If you have some technical ability (think setting up your stereo or home theater), then there are tasks we have where you could help.  We are currently trying to get more town businesses to play WWER in their shops.  In some cases, they simply need help setting up speakers and tuners to play us in house.  We need volunteers to help do that.


    • There’s free money out there, and we plan to apply for grants to get our share!  If you’d like to help in this effort, please reach out.

By Laws:

    • WWER is operated under the Colonial Beach Community Foundation.  They would like us to ‘spin off’ and become an independent non-profit.  In order to do that, we have to set up our own governance structure and by-laws.  If you have experience or a desire to help with that, please get in touch.


    Current track

